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The Autumn sees the start of the 34th seaspn of Derby Midweek Races with monthly sessions from September to April - with On Mle races at 7pm and a 5km event at 7.20pm.
The Series have attracted runners with the widest of is totally non-threatening, so why not come along.
The dates for our fell races in 2025 are as follows :
PEAT PIT WOODS 1 – Easter Sunday 20 April at 11am
PEAT PIT WOODS 2 – Sunday 12 May at 11am
BLUEBELL 1 – Sunday 16 March at 11am
BLUEBELL 2 – Thursday 14 August at 7pm
Eva and I still do our charity work in Kerala, South India and our latest project is supporting a 15 year old lad who has liver cancer. We have just had wonderful news that Subin will have an operation on 24 October......fingers crossed.
May we that all of those of you who have been a grat support to us both through the difficult days, weks and months since having 2 toes amputated.